to go digital Reviews

2024-12-13 04:33:20

I feel that it makes sense to like attention!December 12, midday reminder!

December 12, midday reminder!I feel that it makes sense to like attention!Large-scale tickets represented by SMIC have gone sideways in the last month, and it is impossible to keep going sideways like this. I feel that they are about to start, and their start-up has a siphon effect on tickets with small market value!

Small-cap stocks have been hyped for more than two months, and they have become even crazier recently. Small tickets and junk tickets in the market are basically in turn, and there is no banquet that never ends!Everyone should follow the laws of the market, and the positions in their hands should be slowly transferred to the big market value tickets! At this time, it is a bit risky to hold a ticket with a small market value in the whole warehouse!

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